Entrepreneurship Lab

The Entrepreneurship Lab

Advisor, Coach and Mentor to Startups, Entrepreneurs, Executives, Ecosystems, Universities, Companies, Countries and Accelerators

Created by an Entrepreneur for Entrepreneurs 


Contact us now


Providing online and live learning,
coaching and advising since 2010



I’m a mentor for the MIT Enterprise Forum (MITEF). Here’s a testimonial from a startup I mentored:

“I highly recommend Mr. Kedziora as an outstanding mentor who has greatly impacted my personal and professional growth during our time together in the MITEF CEE Acceleration Program.

He highlighted my own capabilities that I had not fully realized before. His suggestions have proven to be critical in tackling numerous challenges that we encountered during our journey. As an American, he helped us to understand the cultural differences and provided invaluable advice on how to effectively communicate our value proposition.

Thanks to Mr. Kedziora, I am now more pushy and bold in my approach to business. I am confident that the skills and knowledge that he imparted to me will continue to serve me well as I move forward in my career.”

Dr. Adam Kowalewski MD
Founder and CEO




“I do, therefore I am.”™


I believe that entrepreneurs are made, sometimes out of necessity and sometimes out of desire. I believe that the best way to learn is a combination of 1) hearing the stories of how others have done it and 2) actually rolling-up your sleeves and doing it. That’s why I created the Entrepreneurship Lab, to share my stories and those of others and to give you a very hands-on experience so that you learn by doing.

I believe everyone can bootstrap themselves to success. You just need to be shown the tools, how others have used them and then adapt them to fulfill your dreams.

Come join me on this great journey. Even if you don’t become an entrepreneur, you’ll never look at life in the same way.

— Patrick Kedziora, Founder, Boilingice and the eLab



  • Entrepreneur in Residence and advisor to the Regions of Hanoi and Hue, Vietnam on how to grow their entrepreneurial ecosystems.
  • Advisor and webinar leader for the Region of Bordeaux/Aquitaine, France helping local startups and scale-ups on how to take their business to America and the world.
  • Mentor of Mentor for the World Bank advising startup coaches and venture capitalists on being better mentors.
  • Advisor and Webinar leader to over 30 universities in the MENA region on how to commercialize their Intellectual Property.

“Patrick supported our Swiss EP Vietnam program while we were working to develop remote support for our startup ecosystem partners. His online teaching and coaching experience has been invaluable and allowed us to maintain our momentum with two important partners. He supported 2 university based entrepreneurship programs for us during this period, providing insight on strategy and business models to the leadership of both programs. We hope to have an opportunity to continue working with Patrick while we support the startup ecosystem in Vietnam.”
Hub Langstaff
Country Manager, Swiss Entrepreneurship



Here’s a list of University courses, master and MBA level courses in Entrepreneurship and Finance, I’ve taught in the last two years. EXPERIENCED IN DELIVERING COURSES ONLINE AND IN BLENDED FORMATS.


  • Entrepreneurship (Beyond the hype, best practices, ideation, leadership, learn by doing)
  • Fundraising (From start to finish, whether it’s $10,000 or $100 million or more)
  • Financial Entrepreneurship (Revenue Models, Financial Forecasting and Fundraising)
  • Financial Forecasting and Modeling for Startups (From simple to full models with Income Statement, Balance Sheets and Cash Flow Statements)
  • Business Plans and Business Models (State of the art review of current practices and practical applications. It’s all about having a plan that “sells”)
  • Pitching your startup
  • Digital marketing
  • How to take your business to America and the world


  • Financial Analysis (ratios, benchmarking, analysis, going beyond the numbers)
  • International Finance (FX, derivatives, bonds, equities)
  • Treasury management
  • International Mergers and Acquisitions
  • How to do a Leveraged Buyout

“Great course, well structured, a lot of insights  and “real world” examples to better grasp concepts.”
Guillaume J.

“I would like to thank you for the course and your time you spent helping us throughout the semester. I really enjoyed your class thanks to your enthusiasm and sense of humor.
Hakan. A.

“I enjoyed the class because it is a very new way of teaching a course. I have never had this very “American” way of showing things to students. Honestly, I was quite bewildered at the first lesson, but I learned to really appreciate this new pedagogy… this course helped me to better understand how to handle and ride the business world waves.”
Robert M.



  • Entrepreneurship – The original Boilingice hands-on, learn by doing, bootcamp.
  • The Fundraising Boot Camp – Finding and raising the funds you need – UPDATED FOR POST-COVID-19 FUNDRAISING.
  • Free Money – Finding and applying for equity-free funding.
  • Financial Modeling for Startups and Free forecasting spreadsheets
  • The Networking Workshop – How to be a master networker for fun and profit.
  • “Steal” like Steve Jobs – Finding The Next Unicorn or The Idea Workshop – how to come up with your next big idea. Updated with “Using AI to Innovate”.
  • The Innovation Workshop – Entrepreneurship and innovation in the workplace.
  • How to Build and Manage Innovative Teams – For Startups or Companies.
  • How to Take Your Startup to America and Grow Globally or How to Internationalize Your Company.
  • How to Do an LBO and Take Your Company Private.
  • Making AI your secret tool for innovation, improved customer relations and a competitive advantage

“This is a great workshop on how to go international with your business, with high quality speakers and very practical advice. I recommend it for any startup, even if you don’t consider going international yet, this may change your mind!”
Jérémie L.

“I really enjoyed it, I’ve never had this kind of course before. It made me to think more about the business as an owner, instead of just as an employee.”
Franck C.

“Very interesting, good to hear your experience as an entrepreneur. Excellent tips and advice on how to start our own business. I appreciated feeling that you are passionate about the subject. Thank you!”
Sarah C.



Mastering Business Expansion Into America: Scaling Strategies for Success. Learn how to take your business and successfully expand it into the American market. Discover proven techniques for navigating the challenges and opportunities of entering one of the world’s largest economies.

Unleashing Growth: Scaling Your Business across the EU. Navigate the complexities of scaling your business throughout the diverse markets of the European Union. Gain insights into regulatory landscapes, cultural nuances, and strategies for sustainable growth.

Fundraising Mastery: From Zero to $100 Million for Your Startup. Leverage my firsthand experience in raising over $100 million for my own startups to empower entrepreneurs in their fundraising journey and delve into strategies, tactics, and lessons learned.

Mastering Fundraising Alchemy: No Equity Dilution Funding. Discover the art of securing funding without giving up any equity. As the winner of the equity-free funding trifecta – Startup Chile, Startup Brazil, and French Tech Ticket – I’ve perfected the technique of funding startups while retaining 100% ownership. Allow me to share my secrets with you —it’s simpler than you imagined.

Transforming Ideas into Revenue: The Art of Commercializing Intellectual Property. Drawing from my experience leading workshops for 30+ universities in the MENA region, discover how to effectively commercialize your IP and maximize its potential.

Empowering Coaches and Mentors: Mastering the Art of Mentorship. Mentorship extends far beyond startups; mentors and coaches themselves thrive through continual development. Drawing on my role as the Mentor of Mentors at the World Bank, I’ll show you how to elevate your coaching skills. Whether you’re a VC, Business Angel, or Executive, I’ll provide you with actionable strategies for more effective coaching that drives better engagement from your startups and entrepreneurs.

Crafting Irresistible Pitches: Elevate Your Business Narrative. Pitching isn’t just about words; it’s about weaving a strategic tapestry. Dive into the intricacies of strategy, pricing, business models, teams, and competitive positioning to create pitches that truly resonate with investors.

Financial Insights: Decoding the Language of Finance. If you’re an engineer founder or a marketing founder or simply have a limited understanding of finance, this workshop is for you. Learn the fundamentals of finance and what it means for your business. And, gain an investor’s perspective on what they seek and learn the essentials that every entrepreneur should know to speak the language of investors fluently.

Navigating Financial Terrain: Startups’ Guide to Forecasts and Reports. Financial forecasting and reporting can make or break startups. Master the art of accurate financial projections and compelling reporting that attracts investors and that helps you steer your business toward success.

Valuation and Fundraising Alignment: Your Startup’s Financial North Star. Decode the art of startup valuation and establish a coherent fundraising strategy. Navigate the intricate landscape of valuations while developing a strategic approach to securing the right funding.

Market Domination Strategies: Launch, Sell, Succeed. Develop a market-conquering blueprint encompassing your go-to-market strategy and sales execution. Equip yourself with tactics to effectively penetrate markets, drive sales, and achieve lasting success.

Cultivating the Entrepreneurial Mind: Triumphing over Challenges. Cultivate the winning mindset crucial for entrepreneurial success. Overcome upbringing limitations, cultural barriers, startup fatigue, and even depression with strategies designed to empower and uplift.

AI-Driven Transformation: For Startups, Scale-ups and Established Businesses. Don’t let AI be just two letters you throw out as the “flavor-of-the-month”. Embrace AI’s revolution for business evolution. Explore practical strategies for embedding AI across your startup and business, from customer interaction to decisive choices. Leverage AI for predictive insights, streamlined processes, competitive analysis and personalized experiences. Craft an actionable AI roadmap for propelling growth and innovation.




“The workshop helped us a lot”
Jérémie Lequeux
Successfully raised $2 million in the US during Covid


2021 Workshop Overview


Testimonial (in French with English CC)






“Patrick is a very active and invested mentor with considerable entrepreneurial experience. His input and guidance were extremely helpful when our founding team launched WYZchef, especially in the financial and strategical aspects. Patrick has an extensive global knowledge of the start-up ecosystem. His critical thinking and appetite to share pushed us to go above and beyond our goals. Most importantly Patrick is a genuinely good person!”
Carole Martinez Quiroz
Entrepreneur | Co-Owner WyzChef – Corporate Caterers Houston


“Patrick est le meilleur! Il a une precision d’analyse brillante !”
“Patrick is the best! His analytical precision is brilliant!
Annie Prod’Homme
Board Member, Sophia Business Angels, Nice, France



EDHEC Business School, SKEMA Business School,
SupDeWeb, ParisTech, Samara State University, American School of Paris, the Region of Bordeaux/NouvelleAquitaine, Hue University, Swiss EP Foundation, The World Bank Group















The Next Society, Volga Angels, afric’Up, Afro Bytes, South Summit, TakeOff Istanbul







SBA – Sophia Business Angels, France Angels
European Business Angels Network (EBAN)
World Business Angels Investment Forum (WBAF)
High Commissioner for France
US Angels Investors



“As always Patrick, your comments are sharp and surgical. A subtle melange of big picture and reality check! ”
Daniel Dib
President, Sophia Business Angels


Massachusettes Institute of Technology (MIT) Enterprise Forum,
University of Pennsylvania – Milken Education Business Plan Competition,
SBA Business Angels Venture Academy, University of Miami,
WBAF – World Business Angels Investment Forum







“Very organized. Knows his subject and loves it.”
Lee A.

“He was absolutely great. Explained everything perfectly. I would definitely recommend my friends to take his course.”
Marcella B.

“I thought the class was interesting, inspiring, and intellectually challenging yet every topic that was touched on was useful to me or will be one day. I really enjoyed how you knew so much about what you were talking about yet you didn’t act like you knew everything and was the only competent person. This course enabled me to drastically change my vision of business and made me realize how many opportunities I have. I hope to be able to act on these new skills and ideas one day, but even if I don’t, I know for sure that this was time well spent.”
Luigi M.

“The class was really inspiring. In my cultural background, it’s hard to be able to create a project and launch it. Now I feel that I could be able to go through all the process if I have an idea that inspires me. Thank you!”
Victor C.

“The class was dynamic and switched often between theoretical class and practical exercises, which I appreciated a lot. I learned a lot about the way I have to think and act in order to stay positive and optimistic.”
Abraham R.

“It’s really fun to learn without busy slides. I would strongly recommend your course.”
Mathieu N.

“Great class, many insights. Finally, a Professor that doesn’t read his dense slides.”
Gabriel S.

“I really liked and enjoyed the course. I learned a lot about what drives entrepreneurs and what key aspects they have to master. I don’t think that I will become an entrepreneur but this class has allowed me to understand how to approach them as investors, which is the job I want to do in the future.”
Anne-Sophie L.

“I really enjoyed it because I was “inspired”. I think the most important thing that an “Entrepreneurship” class can bring us is the willingness to create something and that is exactly what I felt, that is 100% honest. Yes, I learned how much it is difficult to be an entrepreneur, but also how much it can be exciting.”
Yusuf L.

“Very inspirational lecture, it was very helpful to be lectured by someone who has gone through the ups and downs of being an entrepreneur themselves. Also very good that we went through all the single stages of entrepreneurship (including failing).”
Johanna M.

“Thank you for giving us the wisdom to grow as entrepreneurs. It was an excellent week!”
Edward G.

“I had a privilege to be mentored by Patrick @ EDHEC business school during our entrepreneurship trek. He mentored my team for business ideation, lean management and above all, finding the pain-points and how to address them. Patrick has a sharp vision and acumen for business development and startups. He helped us visualize the pitching scenarios and encouraged us to be daring and imaginative. Patrick guided us during the trek with his insightful inputs regarding our startup, right from the pitch preparation to financial forecasting. His critical inputs also helped us refine our business proposition. Patrick guided us with empathy and critical mind for our journey.”

See more recommendations on Linkedin by clicking here.





1. a loop at the rear top of a boot, used to pull it on.

1. get (oneself or something) into or out of a situation using few or just existing resources.
“She’s bootstrapping herself out of a difficult financial situation”

1. (of a person or project) using one’s own resources.
“Oprah Winfrey started with nothing and bootstrapped herself up the entrepreneurial ladder to great success.”


We’re all about doing. In fact, we believe that the entrepreneur’s mantra is “I do, therefore I am” ™.

We believe in a heuristic approach to learning; this is the only fancy word we use here (I hope), it means enabling a person to discover or learn something for themselves.

In short, we help you learn by doing – that’s what a hands-on or interactive heuristic approach to learning is all about.

The world is rapidly changing. In the future, innovation and entrepreneurship are what will distinguish those who lead. Leaders believe in action and learn by doing. These are skills that can be taught and learned. This is what we do at the Entrepreneurship Lab: we share our entrepreneurial experience with you and you learn by “doing“.

“Above all, we wanted to thank you for making our exchanges memorable and for pushing us to overcome mental barriers preventing us from taking the leap of faith of launching this business. Thanks to your advice, we fully understood where we wanted to go and we are now fully prepared to embrace the entrepreneurial journey! We would love to keep you informed about our progress after our graduation!”
Alexandre, Benjamin & Corentin


  • Are you someone who thinks he or she might want to develop something that will improve people’s lives?
  • Do you want to be better prepared for the future?
  • Have you ever thought you’d like to change the world and make it better?
  • Do you want a career with more meaning?
  • Do you want to change your life?
  • Do you want your company to develop or grow its culture of innovation?

If you answered yes to any of these, then this hands-on workshop is for you – whether you’re a social entrepreneur or a commercial/traditional entrepreneur we teach you the skills you need to be successful.

The eLab is a one-day to three-day Startup Boot Camp.

It is also available as a weekend-long corporate innovation retreat to several months long for secondary school and university entrepreneurship programs.

Designed by a serial entrepreneur for entrepreneurs, with an emphasis on action and getting things done; this is a hands-on, learn-by-doing program that teaches the mindsets, toolkits, and processes of successful entrepreneurship.


  • “L’audace, toujours l’audace.” – George Danton (a leading figure in the French Revolution): Always stretch yourself, go beyond the usual expectations, be bold, be prepared to break the rules, follow your own path in life, and be different and invite differentness.
  • Ethics: Be forthright, be fair and be honest. Do good by being good.
  • Learn by doing, a heuristic approach: “I do therefore I am” ™

A video clip about Entrepreneurship and L’Audace


A strong desire to make a difference in the world and to do something meaningful with your life.

This boot camp takes people interested in entrepreneurship on a learning journey that will cover the key concepts and principles of the entire entrepreneurial journey. Amongst the topics covered you’ll learn: 1) what it takes to be an entrepreneur, 2) how to come up with your idea, 3) how to turn your idea into a reality (with little or no funds), 4) how to validate your idea in the market, and 5) how to pitch your idea to your team, your customers, and your investors with a mini-Demo-Day at the end.

The workshop is a combination of lecture and discussions, with a heavy focus on hands-on exercises; so participants actually live the experience of being an entrepreneur.

THE ELAB LEARNING PYRAMID – % of Knowledge Retained

At the eLab we take coaching and teaching very seriously and focus on those methods that led to participants retaining as much as possible. We do that by inverting the Learning Pyramid and focusing on participatory lessons. You learn by doing! In other words we teach you how to fish.

eLab Learning Pyramid
% of Knowledge Retained


  • Think like an entrepreneur
  • Create a start-up with little or no funding
  • Spot opportunities, ideas, and trends
  • Get your idea off the ground
  • Craft your idea so it gets customers
  • Design like Picasso and Steve Jobs
  • Build a successful team
  • Persuade customers, partners, employees, and investors


  • Designed by an entrepreneur for entrepreneurs.
  • Designed by an entrepreneur for corporate executives.
  • Designed by an entrepreneur for young adults exploring the world of entrepreneurship as a career choice.
  • Learn how to create a culture of innovation in your organization.
  • Learn how to design your product quickly at no or little cost.
  • Learn how to make winning designs.
  • Learn how to create a business without the need to raise money.
  • Learn how to create a business that attracts money from investors.
  • Learn how to get free money.
  • Learn how to create a winning team.
  • Learn how to get talent worth $200,000 for less than $25,000.
  • Learn how to get free talent.
  • Learn how to do more with less.
  • Learn how to get to profitability as quickly as possible.
  • Learn how to make a Minimum Viable Product (that valuable and often talked about MVP) and sell it without actually building it.
  • Learn how to find money-making opportunities that others have ignored.
  • Learn how to sell something you don’t have.
  • Learn how to make money.
  • Learn how to be successful.


Every class is customized in real time to adjust to the needs and levels of the participants. Below are the topics that are covered using a combination of discussion, hands-on exercises and teamwork. This approach makes for a more effective learning experience than traditional lectures. I try and make sure everyone is having fun and is being challenged.
  1. What it means to be an entrepreneur
    • Business person vs an entrepreneur
    • Wantrepreneur vs entrepreneur
    • Corporate innovation vs entrepreneurship
    • Emotional fortitude – Going beyond the numbers: What it takes to be an entrepreneur – the importance of all the non-numbers.
    • Regular entrepreneurship and social entrepreneurship
    • Women and men
    • Ethics
  2. Team building
    • Co-founders
    • Team evolution
    • Ownership interests
    • Culture
    • Mentors and advisors
  3. Ideation
    • What problem do you solve?
    • Niches
    • Trends
    • Design thinking
    • Blue ocean strategies
    • Copycat entrepreneurship
    • User innovation
    • How to be creative – the importance of play
    • The dangers of trusting your gut
  4. MVP and competitive advantage
    • Lean startup methodology – plusses and minuses
    • Validation
    • The 5 whys
    • MVP
    • Competitive matrix analysis
    • Unique value proposition
  5. Product testing and customer feedback
  • How to test a product you haven’t built
  • Confirmation bias
  • Selling your product – Business model and Selling
    • Business model vs. revenue model
    • Blogs, e-commerce
    • Revenue model (i.e. B2B, B2C, B2B2C …)
    • For-profit vs non-profit
    • Sustainability
    • Scalability
    • Digital marketing
    • Guerilla marketing
    • Door to door marketing
  • Financial modeling and forecasting
    • Timelines – How to think about developing your business – milestones, funds required, personnel needed, resources needed, costs, business metrics, and financial metrics
    • Forecasts – How to prepare your financial forecast – A step by step approach
  • Internationalization
    • Beyond your home country
    • Beyond your region
    • Issues and challenges
  • Pitching to team members, customers and investors.
    • Pitch decks
    • Pitching
  • Fundraising
    • An overview of the fund-raising process.
    • Exits
    • Equity, dilution and exits – The impact of fund-raising.
    • Cap tables
    • Valuations
    • Term sheets: Terms and conditions – pitfalls and traps
    • Negotiating your term sheet
    • Pitch decks vs Business Plans
    • Seed, Venture Capital and more.
    • The US versus Europe
    • Startup Chile, French Tech Ticket, F6S and more.
    • Building your network and networking skills
    • What investors are looking for
  • Mini-Demo day
    • Pitching to customers, team members and investors
  • Final thoughts, Next steps, Self-Evaluation, and Feedback

NEW WORKSHOP: Financial Modeling for Startups

A three-day hands-on workshop that teaches you:

  • How to build a spreadsheet showing the main tasks/milestones, revenues, expenses and capital requirements for your start-up or innovation project.
  • How to build a valuation model showing major investment events (cash in, exit) and the use of an appropriate discount rate.
  • How to build a cap table showing the equity ownership interest in the company.
  • How to tie your valuation model to your cap table to see the impact that different equity splits have on wealth creation for founders and other equity holders.
  • How to structure a three-layered financial model – Income Statement, Balance Sheet, and Cash Flow Statement
  • Click here to find out more.



The Fundraising Boot Camp – finding and raising the funds you need – UPDATED FOR POST-COVID-19 FUNDRAISING. A full-day workshop on how to raise money for your startup – from an entrepreneur who’s raised from $30,000 to over $90 million. Learn where and how to find hidden money sources, learn how to figure out if you even need to raise funding. learn the types of funding available and their impact on your ownership, learn how to network specifically for fund-raising, how to manage the process, how to position yourself, how to chose investors that are right for you, and how to negotiate your term sheet and final documents.

Click here for a handy fundraising checklist you can use to make sure you’re meeting many of the needs investors want to see. If you’re not, then you’re wasting everyone’s time and you should focus on building the business and then go raise the funds.

Click here to see an excellent article on Venture Capital by CBinsights.com (my favorite source for startup data).

Free Money – finding and applying for equity-free funding. A full-day workshop on how to raise equity-free money from the winner of over $250,000 in equity-free funding from the world’s top three innovation funding programs: Startup Chile, Startup Brazil, and French Tech Ticket. You’ll get help with how to fill out the form, which keywords to use, how to write your answers for maximum effectiveness, how to answer difficult questions and lots of tips and tricks. This is a very hands-on program. By the end of the day, you will have completed your first funding request. You must come with an idea in order to be accepted to the workshop. The program is only offered in English as most global equity-free programs require you to fill out their application in English.

The Pitching Workshop. A full-day workshop on how to pitch to investors (also applicable to customers and employees). We’ll work one-on-one with you to develop the slides you’ll need: 1) Cover – the hook, 2) The problem, 3) The solution, 4) Your product, 5) The market size, 6) Your traction (ONLY if you have some), 7) Your team, 8) Your competition (and how you compare), 9) Your revenue model (simple financial forecast), 10) The amount being raised or needed (Funding history if any, use of funds), 11) A very short summary and 12) Your contact info (11 and 12 are often combined). Plus, you’ll learn how to actually do the pitch: your voice, your stance and very importantly how to manage your emotions and handle difficult questions. [Come with a team member and learn how to do a pitch together.]

Here’s a one hour condensed presentation on how to build a pitch deck.

And here are four must-see pitch decks from some very successful startups:

Click here to see more on pitching


The Networking Workshop – how to be a master networker. A full-day workshop on how to successfully and strategically network – whether you’re fundraising, looking for partners or just selling. Learn how to master trade shows, conferences, cocktails, pool parties, school events, Linkedin, LinkedIn groups, Facebook networks and groups, Twitter, and more. Networking is an art but there’s a science to it! Click here to find out more.

“Steal” like Steve Jobs – Finding The Next Unicorn or The Idea Workshop – how to come up with your next big idea. A full-day workshop on “stealing” like Picasso and Steve Jobs to come up with the next unicorn.  This course shows you how others create, the major trends shaping our world, how to identify new trends before they happen, how to find “blue ocean” opportunities, how to develop your own creative mindset, how to learn from others and create like the best, and how to formulate a solution customers will buy. Even if you don’t create the next unicorn, you’ll learn how to come up with winning products, services and designs that give you a competitive edge.

Here’s a brief presentation I did to a group of French entrepreneurs. The presentation is in French, a language I speak as fluently as I do English. The next time I do this in English (and I have), I’ll record it and post it here.


“Steal” like Steve Jobs – EN FRANCAIS

Steve Jobs a toujours dis qu’il n’avais pas honte de voler les bonnes idées. Patrick Kedziora va vous montrer à travers nombreuse exemple comment les plus grand créateur ont “volé” leurs grands idées dans le monde de l’art, des filmes, du hardware et le logiciel. Le but est de démontrer une façon de penser et d’innover pour que vous puissiez aller au delà de l’ordinaire.


“Steal” like Steve Jobs – IN ENGLISH

This is a slightly longer presentation, this time in English, on How To Steal Like Steve Jobs that I made at the World Business Angels Investment Forum conference in Istanbul in 2019.


The Innovation Workshop – entrepreneurship and innovation in the workplace. Every business was at some point started by an entrepreneur and those companies fortunate to have grown into larger companies have, out of necessity, been transformed into companies that are managed for performance. But, the world is a different place today and large companies are being attacked by small innovative companies in 1,000 different ways. Here’s just one example:

Corporate innovation

Entrepreneurship isn’t just a buzz-word, it’s become a matter of corporate survival. Companies have to adapt and become more innovative. They have to respond to market forces – or someone else will. This full-day workshop combines elements of the Entrepreneurship Lab Workshop, the Idea Academy, and more to deliver a unique experience for corporate managers who want to instill a sense of entrepreneurship and innovation in their teams and company.

How to Build and Manage Innovative Teams – For Startups or Companies. Whether you’re an entrepreneur or a corporate manager one of the key issues you continuously face is getting the best talent for your team. This workshop shows you the latest research on teams – what makes them tick, what types of people are best and why positive tension yields the greatest results. Learn why people with opposite “skills” can be beneficial, learn how diversity can boost revenues, learn how genius is not just about smarts but working together and learn how to build teams that will last.

See this thirty-minute presentation on Picking Winning Startup Teams that I recently made to a group of Russian investors at the annual Volga Angels conference.

“My colleague and I really enjoyed your presentation… your presentation was very motivating and useful. Sometimes you know something but you don’t implement your knowledge. I think after your speech we found a few more ideas and also we get extra motivation. I would definitely recommend you as a great speaker and coach for companies.”
Petr K. – Russian Entrepreneur

How to Take Your Startup to America and Grow Globally or How to Internationalize Your Company. 
Many of the entrepreneurs I meet – in fact, many of the business owners I meet – are absolutely perplexed about the whole notion of taking their business to the biggest and easiest market in the world: America. Part of it is fear, but a good part of it is not having the knowledge or understanding they need to be successful. This seminar teaches you how to fish and gives you the knowledge you need and the understanding of how to do business “American” style. Don’t hold your startup or company hostage to a small local market – THINK BIG! The workshop can also include experts from South America, MENA, India and China.

“This is a great workshop on how to go international with your business, with high quality speakers and very practical advice. I recommend it for any startup, even if you don’t consider going international yet, this may change your mind!”
Jérémie L.

How to Do a Management Buyout and Take Your Company Private. Many managers just dream of having their own company and most don’t realize that that dream is within their grasp: they just have to buy the company or division they work for. Learn how to do an MBO from someone whose personal client was KKR – the largest Private Equity firm in the world and the buyer of RJR Nabisco, learn how to identify a buyout opportunity, learn how you can do an MBO with no money of your own, learn how to find the funding you need, learn how to structure the deal, learn how to pitch the deal, learn how to negotiate the deal, learn how to successfully close the deal and learn how to make the deal work after you’ve closed it.




PRICING: Varies depending on the number of persons attending and the topic. From $199 to $299 per person for the one-day workshops if organized on a per person basis or from $2,500 to $5,000 for companies and universities. There is a minimum of 10 and a maximum of 25 participants. Pricing does not include travel and expenses.

PROGRAM: Available all year. Special summer programs available for resorts and cruise ships. Sold out until October 2020. But there are pockets when I am available so I recommend you email me to see how we might work together. Now taking reservations for 2020-2021.

LOCATION: Delivered worldwide. 

LANGUAGES: Native speaker of American English and Native French.

CORPORATE SPONSORSHIPS: Companies may choose to sponsor a bootcamp as a way of showing their support for their local entrepreneurial ecosystem. 

SEMINAR LEADER: A results-oriented leader in entrepreneurship

Patrick Kedziora

Patrick Kedziora is the Founder & CEO of the eLab and the Founder & CEO of Kedzoh.com, a mobile learning platform that is Democratizing Knowledge™. He is a serial entrepreneur, a former banker, former COO and CFO, and recent winner of three major technology innovation awards: Startup Chile, Startup Brazil, and French Tech Ticket. Patrick is a New Yorker at heart, and he speaks both English and French with native fluency. Patrick earned a dual B.A. degree in Economics and Political Science from New York University as well as his MBA from the NYU Stern School of Business. Patrick is passionate about making the difficult easy and empowering people to do their best.

“Patrick teaches in my program a course in Entrepreneurial Finance. He is very highly qualified, he is a good communicator and he is very enthusiastic.”
Sabrina Chikh, Head of MSc Corporate Financial Management
SKEMA Business School, PARIS campus


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Click here to see his traditional CV


Click here to see his teaching, training and coaching qualifications







Click here to see books on entrepreneurship and other topics recommended by Marc Andreessen, Bill Gates, Steve Jobs, and others.


  • Dolomite is My Name – Perhaps my favorite startup film as it tells the true-life struggles of an against-the-odds entrepreneur. This movie isn’t for everyone but worth every minute.
  • Joy – A true story about Joy Mangano. Shows many of the hurdles and complexities faced by founders. Pay particular attention to her developing an MVP and her perseverance. Forget the fact that it got low ratings. It gets high ratings from me as a movie about entrepreneurship and perseverance.
  • Steve Jobs– See the movie with Michael Fassbender playing Steve Jobs. The screenplay by Aaron Sorkin bends some of the plot lines of the book by Walter Isaacson but captures the essence of the man.
  • The Founder – The story behind McDonald’s. Pay particular attention to the business model. Are they a restaurant company or a real estate company?
  • The Pirates of Silicon Valley – Seems a bit dated now, but still a good watch to see the beginnings of Apple and Microsoft.
  • Startup.com – A documentary that examines the rise and fall of the real-life startup GovWorks that raised $60 million.
  • The Social Network – Ethical issues in startups and much much more.
  • Walt Before Mickey – The movie about Walt Disney before he was famous. Don’t pay attention to the quality of the movie; it could be a lot better. Do pay attention to how he put his team together, how he got his MVP, how he sold his product and how he relentless kept going forward. It’s a great roadmap!


  • Halt and Catch Fire – a fictionalized insider’s view of the personal computer revolution of the 1980s and later the growth of the World Wide Web in the early 1990s. A must!
  • Silicon Valley – a fictionalized look at five team members doing a startup in today’s Silicon Valley. A classic!



  • To improve your English writing skills: http://www.grammarly.com – Much better than MS and Google spell check and grammar check. There’s a free version which is good. Please, keep in mind that it is not 100% fool-proof and sometimes makes mistakes. It’s still better than the alternatives.
  • To improve your French writing skills; I can recommend this Chrome add-on to spell check your French. Much easier to use than MS or Gmail if you are primarily writing in English and need to do a quick check in French. If you need something more than a quick spellchecker, the following site offers an excellent spellchecker plus grammar checking: https://www.scribens.fr/
  • To improve your public speaking skills: Join a local chapter of Toastmasters International, https://www.toastmasters.org, attend for at least one year, and get the Competent Communicator Certificate. They have very reasonable membership fees. And, you won’t believe the difference in the quality of your presentations. A true investment in your future.
  • To manage your contacts: Get ContactsPlus https://www.contactsplus.com/ – the best tool for managing all the business cards and contacts you’re going to amass as you raise funds. Install the Gmail plugin, the desktop app and download the phone app for iPhone or Android.
  • To help you get organized: By all means, read Getting Things Done by David Allen and balance it off with this simple approach – pick one thing to do each day and don’t stop until it’s done.
  • To get rid of paper and go paperless: Get https://www.camscanner.com/ – the best app, iPhone and Android, for converting paper to pdfs, jpegs and more. In short, convert all your paper into a phone library or online library. I love it for converting all those papers and brochures I collect at conferences.
  • Best place for business cards: I’ve been getting my business cards from Moo for years. The quality and service are impeccable – https://refer.moo.com/s/patrick542
  • A wealth of tools: See this incredible list of startup tools: https://steveblank.com/tools-and-blogs-for-entrepreneurs/#startup-tools
  • Vlogging and Podcast Tools. If you’re doing vlogging or podcasts the two indispensable tools are RecUP and Descript. RecUp is a phone app that lets you record audio and automatically uploads it to a Dropbox account tied to Descript. Descript – download here https://descript.com/r/HJqu1J2YN – lets you edit audio and video just like you would edit a Word document – you simply cut, paste and delete parts – it really is as easy as using Word. Both are a must in my book.
  • Fundraising ChecklistClick here for a handy fundraising checklist you can use to make sure you’re meeting many of the needs investors want to see. If you’re not, then you’re wasting everyone’s time and you should focus on building the business and then go raise the funds.
  • European Bank Account – European banks have terrible reputations for bad customer service and even worse online and mobile apps. Here’s an online bank with an incredible mobile app that I can recommend to you: https://n26.com/r/patrickk4979
  • Internships – If you’re looking for an internship you can do it all yourself or you can have these folks do it for you: https://www.theinterngroup.com/ I highly recommend them as I personally met them when we both participated in the Startup Chile program.
  • Converting a PDF to PowerPoint – I don’t’ know about you but I think Adobe’s full version of PDF is way too expensive when all I need is to, once or twice a year, convert a PDF to Powerpoint. I’ve tried a lot of similar products and this is the best I’ve found and its free for occasional use. Perfect for my needs. I hope you like it: https://www.ilovepdf.com/
  • Paper and Pencil – The classic solution for taking notes, jotting down ideas or just for writing. My favorite is Moleskin. And, when you don’t feel like carrying around a full notepad always have an index card in your wallet. And, don’t forget to carry a pen. Paper and pen still has magic in this day and age. Don’t underestimate the power it has. A great way to break through procrastination!





Phone: San Francisco, USA: +1 415 799 8846




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