Posted on March 20, 2011 ¬ 3:07 PMh.Patrick KedzioraComments Off on Ceci N’est Pas Un Téléphone – This Is Not A Telephone
An over reliance on using the cheapest forms of communications by many entrepreneurs – particularly those outside the US – results in lost venture capital, lost customers and lost partners who simply could not hear what you had to say. So put Skype down and pick a regular phone to make all those critical calls (and they’re all critical by the way).
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Commentary, Customers, General, Revenue Generationbest tools, customer relations, customer service, entrepreneurship, opportunity, quality, sales, Skype, startup, telephone
Posted on January 27, 2011 ¬ 5:44 PMh.Patrick KedzioraComments Off on Technology Topples Governments
The use of Facebook and Twitter is fueling the growth of democracies in Egypt and Tunisia, respectively.
The printing press was invented in 1493 yet democracies did not truly begin in the modern era until 1776.
Facebook and Twitter are together less than six years old. Where will we be ten years from now?
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Commentary, General, International, Technology, Trendsentrepreneurship, newspapers, opportunity, political protest, startup, trends, Vietnam War, Wikileaks
Posted on December 12, 2010 ¬ 4:18 PMh.Patrick KedzioraComments Off on Wikileaks and The War In Vietnam
What do the recent hacking events related to Wikileaks have to do with the Vietnam War? We’ve entered a new era of political protest (i.e. hacking) because we haven’t found a suitable alternative. Newspaper readership is declining and there is a need for new ways to protest. So what would you do today to protest the Vietnam War?
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