How to Pick Winning Startup Teams
Here’s a thirty-minute presentation on How to Pick Winning Startup Teams I recently did at the annual angel investors conference in Russia.
Read the rest of this entry »Here’s a thirty-minute presentation on How to Pick Winning Startup Teams I recently did at the annual angel investors conference in Russia.
Read the rest of this entry »Absolutely nothing prevents you from doing business on a global scale if you only speak one language… as long as the one language you speak is English.
Read the rest of this entry »Here’s a one-hour – Building a Pitch Deck and How to Pitch – presentation I had the honor of doing for The Next Society to a room full of entrepreneurs from the MENA region.
Read the rest of this entry »The meaning of words evolve over time. For example, in 1828 England the word “Entrepreneur” was defined as a “manager or promoter of a theatrical production”. I think this is an excellent bookend to the French definition of Entrepreneur… “one who undertakes or gets things done“. You can easily think of a startup as a […]
Read the rest of this entry »Being an entrepreneur literally means having to wear 101 hats. Here’s my list of the hats I wear from time to time.
Read the rest of this entry »The mantra of the entrepreneur: I do therefore I am.
Read the rest of this entry »“Je fais, donc je suis” – “I do, therefore I am”. Focus on “getting shit done” and JFDI.
Read the rest of this entry »5 Tips on How to Find International Opportunities
Read the rest of this entry »If you believe everything that you read you would think that being an entrepreneur is all if not mostly one high after another; every idea being funded, every app getting built and every team jumping for joy every day. The reality is quite the opposite. But we do it because of the intense satisfaction we get from doing something meaningful. Something that we are passionate about.
Read the rest of this entry »A Journey of a Thousand Miles Begins With JFDI
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