Archive for the ‘Commentary’ Category

Dear Jeff Bezos, I owe you an apology.

Dear Jeff Bezos, I owe you an apology. When the iPad first came out in April 2010 I taunted you and told you that the Kindle had seen it’s last days. I might have even said a few other nasty things too. At the time, I just couldn’t understand how a retailer could even begin […]

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Thank You Steve!

        In Memorium February 24, 1955 – October 5, 2011 Tweet

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Would You Hire Steve Jobs?

Would you hire Steve Jobs? What if someone told you in an interview that taking LSD was one of the most important moments of their life..What if they told you they were an orphan and their father was an Arab Muslim. What if they told you that one of the classes they took that had the most impact on them was a calligraphy class. What if they told you that they dropped out of college after one semester. All these things are true about Steve Jobs. Would you hire him?

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Biz Dev – Part I – Know Where You’re Going or At Least Move!

Some say marketing, some say sales, some say business development. The sale happens where these three come together. Your marketing is the physical manifestation of your strategy; it’s the web site, brochures, videos and ads. Sales is the stuff inside the web site, brochures, videos and ads. And, business development, we’ll that’s a fancy term for when you get your butt out of the office and start knocking on a customer’s door.

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New Patent Law Embraces First to File, un-American July 4th

The new patent law which recently passed the House and Senate in order to make US patent law more in line with international patent law will change the US patent system from one of First to Invent to one of First to Patent – a change which will benefit established companies and smother innovation.

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Understanding America – Part III – 5 Things You Need to Know

5 tips on understanding America. 1) It’s a huge market, 2) People have money and credit cards (businesses too), 3) Everyone speaks one language, 4) It’s one culture and 5) It’s easy to do business in America compared to many other places.

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5 Simple Mistakes That Can Derail Your Startup

Five simple mistakes that most startups make are completely avoidable and can be fixed in less than 5 minutes.

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Understanding America – Part I – The Billion Dollar Sure Thing

A way is presented for European entrepreneurs (and Americans also) to look at the American market in a way that will permit them to identify billion dollar opportunities.

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Guide to Newspapers – Humor as insight

Making the point that you can use humor to 1. make a point, 2. stimulate a conversation or 3. make someone laugh. Enjoy April Fool’s Day!

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Ceci N’est Pas Un Téléphone – This Is Not A Telephone

An over reliance on using the cheapest forms of communications by many entrepreneurs – particularly those outside the US – results in lost venture capital, lost customers and lost partners who simply could not hear what you had to say. So put Skype down and pick a regular phone to make all those critical calls (and they’re all critical by the way).

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